Why Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)? 

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Become an Accredited MHFAider

Develop the skills to provide assistance to someone who may have a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis.

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Recognise Signs and Symptoms of Common Mental Illness

We teach you how to recognise the signs and symptoms of common mental illness. Learn how to approach, assess and assist someone experiencing a mental health crisis.

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Experienced and Qualified Facilitator

Develop a greater understanding of mental health problems from a facilitator who has professional and lived experience.

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Evidenced Based Training

MHFA courses developed in Australia over 20 years ago are based on evidence of what is best practice mental health first aid to support someone who has a mental health problem or is experiencing a mental health crisis.

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Social Change

Be the change you want to see in the world. Learn language and skills to address the stigma associated with mental illness. False beliefs about mental illness can cause significant problems. We will teach you how your language choice can help to reduce stigma.


Mental Health First Aid

The Standard Mental Health First Aid course will teach you the skills to notice signs and symptoms that someone may be experiencing a mental health problem and may benefit from a mental health first aid conversation

How to recognise common mental health problems

  • How to support someone experiencing a worsening mental health condition

  • How to help someone who may be experiencing anxiety, depression or psychotic symptoms.

  • How to have a mental health first aid conversation.

  • How to talk to someone who may be having suicidal thoughts.

  • How to help someone after a crisis or traumatic event.

  • How to approach someone who may be experiencing a drug and alcohol use problem.



Standard Mental Health First Aid Course

This is a 12-hour course, which is usually delivered as either: A 2-day training package (6 hours per day), or as 4 separate modules (3 hours each)

The Blended Online MHFA Course is an online program delivered in two parts:

  1. A self-directed e-learning component

  2. Followed by 2 x 2.5-hour interactive Zoom online workshops


All course participants receive a hard copy of the Standard Mental Health First Aid manual. If you have booked into the Blended course a manual will be posted to you.


A 3-year accreditation is awarded after successfully completing an online exam.