Mental Health First Aid for Non-Suicidal Self Injury

The 4-Hour MHFA for Non-Suicidal Self-Injury workshop is for adults who live or work with adolescents to develop the skills to assist with deliberate self-injury behaviour.

Non-suicidal self-injury

The term ‘non-suicidal self-injury’ (NSSI) describes a behaviour where a person deliberately or purposefully hurts themselves. It is used to refer to self-injury, deliberately causing pain or injury to oneself without wanting to die.

When we use the term ‘self-injury’ we are specifically excluding painful or damaging behaviours that are socially accepted or ‘sanctioned’ such as tattooing, piercing or other forms of body art, and cultural practices involving injury.


What the course covers:

At the completion of the course, you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to safely have a conversation person who is engaging in non-suicidal self-injury.

This course gives participants an opportunity to learn how to help someone who is engaging in self-injury.

This is an education course, to learn how to give first aid to others, and is not a therapy or support group.

Course Content

  • Why people engage in self-injury

  • How to talk to someone about their self-injury

  • How to help the person stay safe

  • How to connect someone to appropriate professional help

  • How to assess for suicidal thoughts and behaviours.